First name

Last name

* Email address

How would you rate your interactions with contacts via phone, email or other?

How would you rate Frost-Arnett's knowledge of the project or services?

How would you rate your expectations that services will meet your needs?

How satisfied were you with the reporting of data content and format?

How satisfied were you with IT deliverables?

* Is there anything that could have been improved on your side of onboarding that could have helped to better the process?

How was the overall onboarding process experience?

* Are there any suggestions of what can be changed or improved within the onboarding process by Frost-Arnett?

* What value do Frost-Arnett products and services provide your company?

* What are your biggest challenges as it relates to the services Frost-Arnett provides?

* Why did you choose Frost-Arnett over our competition?

* How does your onboarding experience with Frost-Arnett compare to other vendors you may have utilized in the past?

How likely is it that you would recommend Frost-Arnett Co to a friend or colleague?